Here is a list of some basic Git commands to get you going with Git in a day-to-day workflow. This should give you the base commands you need to perform the most common actions in Git.

However, you may keep in mind that the only 4 commands that you really need to know to get started with Git are:

git clone
git add
git commit -m “ “
git push

That’s it! If you have a handle of those, you are good to go. You can start working on your projects immediately.

First thing first, we create a "repository" (project) and get a host (such as Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket...) to put it online.
Command Description
git init Initialize a local Git repository
git clone ssh://[user]/[repository].git Create a local copy of a remote repository
Command Description
git status Check status
git add [file-name.txt] Add a file to the staging area
git add -A Add all new and changed files to the staging area
git commit -m "[commit message]" Commit changes
git rm -r [file-name.txt] Remove a file (or folder)
Note : Git comes with built-in GUI tools for committing - git-gui. We recommend you to use it at the beginning in order to avoid being struggled with the command line. You just have to launch it within your repository:
git gui
Command Description
git branch List branches (the asterisk denotes the current branch)
git branch -a List all branches (local and remote)
git branch [branch name] Create a new branch
git branch -d [branch name] Delete a branch
git push origin --delete [branch name] Delete a remote branch
git checkout -b [branch name] Create a new branch and switch to it
git checkout -b [branch name] origin/[branch name] Clone a remote branch and switch to it
git branch -m [old branch name] [new branch name] Rename a local branch
git checkout [branch name] Switch to a branch
git checkout - Switch to the branch last checked out
git checkout -- [file-name.txt] Discard changes to a file
git merge [branch name] Merge a branch into the active branch
git merge [source branch] [target branch] Merge a branch into a target branch
git stash Stash changes in a dirty working directory
git stash clear Remove all stashed entries
Note : Git comes with built-in GUI tools for browsing - gitk. We recommend you to use it at the beginning in order to avoid being struggled with the command line. You just have to launch it within your repository:
Command Description
git push origin [branch name] Push a branch to your remote repository
git push -u origin [branch name] Push changes to remote repository (and remember the branch)
git push Push changes to remote repository (remembered branch)
git push origin --delete [branch name] Delete a remote branch
git pull Update local repository to the newest commit
git pull origin [branch name] Pull changes from remote repository
git remote add origin ssh://[user]/[repository].git Add a remote repository
git remote set-url origin ssh://[user]/[repository].git Set a repository's origin branch to SSH
Command Description
git log View changes
git log --summary View changes (detailed)
git log --oneline View changes (briefly)
git diff [source branch] [target branch] Preview changes before merging